Book a service.
You can now instantly book a service with one of our expert plumbers by filling out our booking form.
See FAQs and terms and conditions below.
What does a service mean?
A service means one of our plumbers will come to your place, diagnose the problem and ideally fix it that day. If we have to order a part, this may take a few days and we’ll arrange another time with you to come back and can provide you with a quote if required.
More FAQs under the booking form below.
By booking a service you agree to our terms of trade and the following costs.
Our maintenance/service costs:
$150+gst call out fee. This is our minimum charge and covers up to the first hour onsite and includes any travel cost.
$23.75+gst for every 15 minutes after the first hour. Payment due within 7 days.
Please note, if the problem is due to user error. The minimum call out fee will still be charged. The above cost does not include the cost of any gear we may require.
We suggest you fill this form out on your phone so you can take some pictures of the problem and upload them in the form.
Transparent pricing
You know before we get there what the cost of our time is. Scroll up for our service costs.
Quick and easy.
No more waiting on the phone or emailing back and forth. Instantly select and date and time that works for you.
Save time.
No more waiting around wondering what time your plumber might turn up. Select from either a morning or afternoon time so you can plan your day.
Trained plumbers.
Our expert plumbers are ready to diagnose your problem.
FAQs about our instant booking system
What does a service mean?
A service means one of our plumbers will come to your place, diagnose the problem and ideally fix it that day. If we have to order a part, this may take a few days and we’ll arrange another time with you to come back.
Why can I only choose 8am or 12pm as a time booking?
This is because we can’t provide an exact time we will be there on the date you pick. If you choose 7am we will be there between 7am-12pm if you choose 12pm we will be there between 12pm-5pm.
When should I use this instant online booking vs. when should I call?
You’re always welcome to call us! But this is a quick and easy way for your to instantly book in a time for one of our plumbers to come and check out your plumbing issue. Please call us if you’re doing a renovation or a piece of work that requires a quote.
How do I pay for the service?
We will invoice you to the email address provided in the booking form. Payment is due within 7 days of invoice date.
What if this turns into a big job, will someone call me about how much it might cost?
Absolutely. If we get onsite and the job is bigger than expected, we will call you. We will then provide you with a quote for the work within 7 days. You will however still be charged the minimum call out fee in this instance.
It’s an emergency and I need someone today, should I book online?
If you’ve got a plumbing emergency. Please call us instead on 027 2816770.